
International Communist Review - Issue 13 - 2024

Section I: On imperialist war

Imperialist wars and the tasks of the communists, Ideological Section of the CC of the CPM (“El Comunista”, Communist Party of Mexico)

The justification of the imperialist war is used for "pooling the wool" over the peoples' eyes, Elisseos Vagenas (“Kommounistiki Epitheorisi”, Communist Party of Greece)

The attitude of social-democracy towards imperialist war, Astor Garcia (“Nuestra Politica”, Communist Party of the Workers of Spain)

The war in Ukraine and the role of Turkey, Erhan Nalçacı (“Gelenek”, Communist Party of Turkey)

Austrian imperialism and the war in Ukraine, Tibor Zenker (Party of Labour of Austria)

The imperialist war in light of international developments (New Communistg Party of the Netherlands)


Section II: On timely political and theoretical issues

On imperialism and the current situation in the world, Andreas Sorensen (Communistg Party of Sweden)

Artificial Intelligence: In favour of the profits of capital or the needs of the people?, Makis Papadopoulos (“Kommounistiki Epitheorisi”, Communist Party of Greece)

The reactionary turn of the PSUV government and the attacks against the working class and the Communist Party of Venezuela, Héctor Alejo Rodríguez (“Debate Abierto”, Communist Party of Venezuela)

Central Asia as a new potential hotbed of conflicts and wars, Ainur Kurmanov (Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan)

Table of Contents


Dear reader, After a certain time since the publication of the last issue, you now have in your hands the 13th issue of the International Communist Review. ...

Imperialist Wars and the Tasks of the Communists

In memory of Vladimir Ilich Lenin When in February 2022 the Russian Federation intervened militarily in Ukraine, the different positions expressed by the communist parties confirmed the ideological, political and strategic crisis of the international communist movement; it is not a matter of a ...

The justification of the imperialist war is used for pooling the wool over the peoples' eyes

From the very first moment, the KKE has pointed out the imperialist character of the war in Ukraine, which is being waged by bourgeois classes in the framework of monopoly capitalism, driven by the capitalists' thirst for profits. ...

The attitude of social-democracy towards imperialist war

But the harder the governments and the bourgeoisie of all countries try to disunite the workers and pit them against one another, and the more savagely they enforce, for this lofty aim, martial law and the military censorship (…), the more pressingly is it the duty of the class-conscious ...

The War in Ukraine and the Role of Turkey

The beginning of the war in Ukraine should perhaps be taken as 2014, but in this article [1] we will focus on the period starting with the Russian intervention into Ukrainian territory in February 2022. ...

Austrian imperialism and the war in Ukraine

The Kyiv Maidan coup of 2014 and the subsequent civil war, but even more so the interstate imperialist war between the capitalist Russian Federation and Ukraine that began in 2022, have put Austrian capital in an ambivalent position. ...

The imperialist war in light of international developments

In recent years, there has been an increase in international conflicts and wars. For instance with the escalation of the war in Ukraine, and the increasing tensions in Eastern Europe, the Balkan and the Caucasus. ...

On imperialism and the current situation in the world

The development in the world the past year has sharpened the contradictions inherent within the imperialist system and has thus also accentuated the need for a deepened analysis of the mechanisms that push the development forward. ...

Artificial intelligence: in favour of the profits of capital or the needs of the people?

The era of digital transformation of the economy and the development of artificial intelligence (AI) marks an enormous potential to meet the needs of society. Many workers are indignant as they compare this potential with their own condition. ...

The reactionary turn of the PSUV government and the attacks against the working class and the Communist Party of Venezuela.

On August 11, 2023, the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela issued an illegal judicial sentence that materialized the leadership of the government and the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV)’s plan to take over the Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) by ...

Central Asia as a new potential hotbed of conflicts and wars

After the restoration of capitalism and counterrevolutionary processes, the former Soviet republics of Central Asia turned into typical bourgeois states with dictatorial regimes. ...