[1] Vagenas, Elisseos. The Sharpening of the Imperialist Competition in the Region of the South-Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans. The Position of the KKE Regarding the Possibility of Greece’s Involvement in an Imperialist War. International Communist Review No. 5, 2014.
[2] Lenin, V.I. The War and Russian Social-Democracy. Collected works. Progress Publishers, Moscow, 1964, vol. 21, pp. 31-32.
[3] Martínez, Raúl and López, Ramón. Social-Democracy at the Service of the Ruling Classes. The Struggle of the Communist Party. International Communist Review No. 3, 2012.
[4] See our article in the International Communist Review No. 11: The International Brigades and Proletarian Internationalism, written by Raúl Martínez.
[5] Aims and Tasks of Democratic Socialism. Declaration of the Socialist International adopted at its First Congress held in Frankfort-on-Main on 30 June-3 July 1951. English version available in: https://www.socialistinternational.org/congresses/i-frankfurt/
[6] The World Today: The Socialist Perspective. Declaration of the Socialist International endorsed at the Council Conference held in Oslo on 2-4 June, 1962. English version available in: https://www.socialistinternational.org/councils/oslo-1962/
[7] History of the Western European Union. The English version can be found in: https://web.archive.org/web/20120811173845/http://www.weu.int/.
[8] See the article of the Workers’ Party of Ireland in the International Communist Review No. 6: NATO and the EU: Inter-State Imperialist Alliances, Inter-Imperialist Rivalry, Expansionism, the Threat to Peace and the Dangers of Aggression and War, written by Gerry Grainger.
[9] This process is explained in a synthetic way in the article “The Socialist Parties and the European Construction”, published by José Lamego, member of the Portuguese SP, in No. 57-58 (1994) of the magazine Leviatán, issued by the Pablo Iglesias Foundation, linked to the PSOE.
[10] It is a well-known fact that the PSOE received a political, logistic, and financial support from the SPD in the 1970's, both directly and through the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Willy Brandt, at a conference on international politics of the SPD in 1976, said: “As the most important social-democratic party in Europe we have the special task, through political and moral support of the democratic socialists in our part of Europe, to reject not only the reaction of the right, but above all to strengthen the alternative to communism.”
[11] Martínez, Raúl. From “Eurocommunism” to Present Opportunism”. International Communist Review, No. 2, 2011.
[12] Asked at a press conference on June 11th, 2022, he noted that “our position on NATO is known, we would prefer not to be in NATO (…) but if we are part of an international organization and we have obligations, it is obvious that, as long as we are part of it, we have to comply with them”.
[13] Political Document. 4th Citizen Assembly of PODEMOS (2021), page 56.
[14] SUMAR Electoral Program for the July 2023 General Elections, page 139.