
International Communist Review - Issue 11 - 2021

Contribution of Lenin to the theory of Marx and Engels on general laws of transition to socialism in different countries, Article of RCWP (“Sovetskii Soyuz”,  Russian Communist Workers’ Party)

National pathways to socialism: the path of reforms, not the Revolution, Ideology Section of the CC of PCM (“El Comunista”, Communist Party of Mexico)

From Eurocommunism to the Participation in the Bourgeois Government, Raúl Martínez (“Nuestra Politica”, Communist Party of the Workers of Spain)

The process of socialist and national construction in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Current conclusions, Ainur Kurmanov (Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan)

Socialism, the answer for the 21st century, Makis Papadopoulos (“Kommounistiki Epitheorisi”, Communist Party of Greece)

The 100th year of a party pursuing revolution, Kemal Okuyan (“Gelenek”, Communist Party of Turkey)

Table of Contents


Dear reader, You are holding in your hands the 11th issue of the “International Communist Review” (ICR), which we edited and published under the difficult and unprecedented for all of us pandemic conditions. ...

Contribution of Lenin to the theory of Marx and Engels on general laws of transition to socialism in different countries

One of the main directions of bourgeois and opportunistic propaganda aimed against Leninism is an attempt to deny Leninism its international importance, an attempt to prove that Lenin’s contribution to Marxism only pertains to Russia in the beginning of the XX Century In Russia such “theories” ...

National pathways to socialism: the path of reforms, not the Revolution

"To turn socialism into science, it was essential, above all, to place it on the ground of reality" [1] Friedrich Engels "Marxist theory established the true task of a revolutionary party: not to compose plans for the restructuring of society or to preach to the capitalists and their acolytes ...

From Eurocommunism to the Participation in the Bourgeois Government

On January 13, 2020 the first government of coalition since the Second Republic was established, having ministers from the PSOE and the Unidas Podemos coalition, composed by Podemos, Izquierda Unida and the Communist Party of Spain (PCE). ...

The process of socialist and national construction in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Current conclusions

A notable difference between socialist construction in Kazakhstan and Central Asia is that it took place in a society where there were a lot of pre-capitalist ways, both feudal and ancestral communities. ...

Socialism, the answer for the 21st century

The new global capitalist crisis, along with the situation that was created in many countries due to the pandemic, has revealed the repulsive face of capitalist barbarism and objectively brings to the fore the necessity and the historic timeliness of socialism. ...

The 100th year of a party pursuing revolution

The social sciences too often define political parties as institutions seeking to obtain political power. This aspiration attributed to political parties is used to distinguish political parties from interest groups. ...