Dear reader, After a certain time since the publication of the last issue, you now have in your hands the 13th issue of the International Communist Review. ...
Dear Reader, The 12th issue of the “International Communist Review” (ICR), which you are holding in your hands, is dedicated to the first workers’ state in history, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). ...
Dear reader, You are holding in your hands the 11th issue of the “International Communist Review” (ICR), which we edited and published under the difficult and unprecedented for all of us pandemic conditions. ...
Dear reader, In honor of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist International that was completed in March 2019, The Editorial Committee of the “International Communist Review” decided that the issue of the journal to be prepared ...
Dear Reader, The 9th issue of the "International Communist Review", which you are holding in your hands, is dedicated to the working class, the labor - trade union movement and the work of the communists in it. ...
Dear reader, You hold in your hands the 8th issue of the International Communist Review which was published in 2018 and is dedicated to the necessary specialized work of the CPs amongst salaried and unemployed women, urban and rural ...
Dear reader, You have in your hands the 7th issue of the “International Communist Review”, which was published in 2017 and is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution. ...
[1] V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, V. 21, pages 339-343 [2] V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, V. 23, pages 77-87 V.I. Lenin’s article entitled “On the Slogan for a United States of Europe”[1] was published on the 23rd of August 1915 in the newspaper ...
[1] The Tasks of the Proletariat in Our Revolution. V.I. Lenin. Collected Works, vol. 24 [2] War and Revolution.. V.I. Lenin. Collected Works, vol. 24 [3] War and Revolution. V.I. Lenin. Collected Works vol. ...
Dear reader, After dealing with several subjects of vital importance for the international communist and workers' movement like the capitalist crisis, the construction of socialism or the historical role of the working class, we now present a ...